On 31 of March, 2023, in the Higher College of the Innovative Eurasian University was held the meeting of students of Pavlodar in the Tedx format with workers of the Department of Justice. The topic is the formation of anticorruptional culture among the young people. The purpose of event is the formation an anticorruptional mind, focused on rejection of corruption as a social matter of state and society, and also an education of public position and responsibility on the basis of acception all-human values. The representatives of Pavlodar region’s Department of Justice, the metodologist of technical and professional education of Departmen of Education Shamsutdinova Nuriya Minnegalieva, the director of HCINEU Tashekenova Armangul Omarovna, representative of the branch of the Republican State-owned enterprise “Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Yerkinuly Adil were invited to the meeting. During the meeting students and participants asked the interesting for them questions and received the detailed answers to its. It is should held such events as often as possible. Because they form the consciousness that every person should start with himself – honestly study, honestly pass the session, honestly work. This should become the norm of our life.

The moderator of the event thanked the guests for their very interesting performances, and the participants for their activity. Following the results of the event, it can be summarized that the meeting was productive, the participants were unanimous in the opinion that corruption is a brake on the development of the country, and it should be fought by all the people.