Heads of
Departments of
top management
Tashekenova Armangul Umarovna
Tel.: 8 (7182) 34–53–39 (internal 230)
Deputy Director of Teaching and Studies is directly organizer of the educational process at the college in all forms of education. She organizes current and future planning of the educational institution. She coordinates the work of teachers and other educational and other employees, as well as the development of teaching methods and other documentation required for the activity of the college. She provides for the use and improvement of the organization of the educational process and modern educational technologies, including remote sensing. She monitors the quality of the educational process, objective assessment of the educational activities of students, working groups and electives, providing the level of training of students.
She directs the planning and distribution of teaching load of teachers in the academic year.
Assigned to each teacher – office, and for workers and employees – their jobs;
Implementation of measures to improve the teaching work, the introduction of advanced
Tashekenova Armangul Umarovna
Higher College Director of InEU
Tashekenova Armangul Umarovna
Tel.: 8 (7182) 34–53–39 (internal 230)
Deputy Director of Teaching and Studies is directly organizer of the educational process at the college in all forms of education. She organizes current and future planning of the educational institution. She coordinates the work of teachers and other educational and other employees, as well as the development of teaching methods and other documentation required for the activity of the college. She provides for the use and improvement of the organization of the educational process and modern educational technologies, including remote sensing. She monitors the quality of the educational process, objective assessment of the educational activities of students, working groups and electives, providing the level of training of students.
She directs the planning and distribution of teaching load of teachers in the academic year.
Assigned to each teacher – office, and for workers and employees – their jobs;
Implementation of measures to improve the teaching work, the introduction of advanced
Bojkova Svetlana Arkadievna
Deputy Director of Teaching and Studies
Tel.: +7(7182)67-30-70, +7(7182)67-30-50 (internal. 242)
Ablesh Kazbek Zhanabekuly
Tel.: 8 (7182) 34–53–39 (internal 239)
Deputy Director of TPW is the organizer of all practices of students. Entered into agreements with enterprises, institutions and organizations to provide their place of practice, monitors the implementation of enterprise contract terms.
Supervise the work of the technical equipment of laboratories, classrooms of college develops long-term plans for their development.
Deputy Director training and production work
Хамитова Асем Толегеновна
Преподаватель первой категории.Образование: Павлодарский государственный университет им. С.Торайгырова, 2007г., Технология продовольственных продуктов
Инновационный Евразийский университет, 2009г., специальность: финансы
Инновационный Евразийский университет, 2019г., магистр техники и технологии по специальности: Технология продовольственных продуктов
Преподаваемые дисциплины: Технология приготовления пищи, организация обслуживания на предприятиях общественного питания, организация производства на предприятиях общественного питания, технология приготовления национальных блюд.
Пед стаж: 11 лет
Награды: Грамота КИнЕУ, грамота ректора ИнЕУ
Тел.: +7(7182)67-30-70, +7(7182)67-30-50 (вн 236)
Deputy Director of educational work
Tel.: +7(7182)67-30-70, +7(7182)67-30-50 (internal. 230)
Karmishina Lidiya Vasilevna
Tel.: +7(7182)67-30-70, +7(7182)67-30-50 (internal 214)
A deputy of director on innovative деятельноти is the direct organizer of work of college on introduction of innovative technologies in an educational process and work sent to the increase of image of college; controls work and development of web-site of college, timeliness of updating of information on a web-site, coordinates work of administrator of web-site
Organizes and controls:
– imaginary work of college assignment
– motion of preparation to НОК and implementation of the real course and diploma projects
– a selection of teachers and students for innovative and experimental work
– motion of innovative and experimental work of college
– preparation of collective of teachers and students to realization of licensing, attestation and accreditation of college
– work of receiving commission on MASS-MEDIA and web-site.
Deputy of director on innovative activity
Bozhkova Svetlana Arkadevna
Tel .: +7 (7182) 67-30-70, +7 (7182) 67-30-50 (inner 231)
The main task of the college methodologist is the direct conduct of academic, methodological work in college and the provision of assistance in academic work.
The methodologist organizes class visits by teachers in order to study, exchange and disseminate experience in teaching methods. Provides methodological assistance. Heads the Educational and Methodical Council, directs and coordinates its work. Monitors the work of cyclic commissions.
Organizes certification of teachers, prepares creative reports, seminars, conferences in order to improve pedagogical skills. Develops and implements programs of cooperation with other educational institutions. Coordinates the interaction of college and university teachers. Organizes and coordinates the olympiad work. Prepares materials and teachers for the competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “College of the Year”, etc. He takes part in the work of methodological associations at various levels, prepares materials for conferences, meetings.
The teacher of the highest category.
Kairbaeva Nasihat Sharapidenovna
Deputy Director of Teaching and Studies
Tel.: +7(7182)67-30-70, +7(7182)67-30-50 (internal. 230)
Heads of departments
Manager by an economic department
Kanapina Asemgul Askerovna
Teacher of higher categoryEducation: Pavlodar University, 2000, specialty: jurisprudence Innovative University of Eurasia, 2005, Master of Education Disciplines taught: Fundamentals of forensic science, Fundamentals of the theory of state and law, Civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ped experience: 16 years
Awards: letter of appreciation from the rector of InEU, diploma of the director of HCINEU -2018
Tel .: +7 (7182) 67-30-70, +7 (7182) 67-30-50 (inner 242)
Manager by the department of information
Nozhenko Ksenia Arkadievna
Lecturer Master.Education: InEU 2010, specialty: Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Bachelor of Standardization, Metrology and Certification. 2012 Master's degree in InEU, Master of Technical Sciences in Standardization, Metrology and Certification Disciplines taught: Standardization, metrological support of production, commodity science
Ped experience: 11 years
Awards: letter of appreciation from the Director of HCInEU.
Tel.: 87051540818
Manager by a power department
Omarov Arman Ducembaevich
Disciplines taught: "Installation and adjustment of heat and power equipment," "Energy management and energy audit," "Information technologies in heat and power engineering," "Fundamentals of technical mechanics"Ped experience: 3 years
Awards: Diploma of VKInEU
Tel .: +7 (7182) 67-30-70, +7 (7182) 67-30-50 (inner 236)
Manager by a humanitarian department
Imansharipova Aizhan Askarovna
Education: Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, 2020, specialty: HistoryDisciplines taught: History of Kazakhstan, Public disciplines
Ped experience: 3 years
Tel .: +7 (7182) 67-30-70, +7 (7182) 67-30-50 (inner 237)
Manager of the department of correspondence
Shaizhanova Makpal Bauyrzhanovna
Education: Pavlodar State University named S.Toraigyrov, 2016 specialty: Translation. Innovation Eurasian University 2019, specialty - Jurisprudence.Taught disciplines: Foreign Language Workshop, Professional Foreign Language, Country Studies, Business Foreign Language.
Ped. experience: 7 years.
Tel.: +7(7182)67-30-70, +7(7182)67-30-50 (inside 230)
Leading specialist
Образование: Павлодарский государственный университет, 2006 г., специальность: Социология; Карагандинкий экономический университет Казпотребсоюза, 2015 г., специальность: Юриспруденция. Преподаваемые дисциплины: основы политологии и социологии, правовая статистика.
Педагогический стаж: нет
Тусупбекова Асемгуль Шарапиденовна
Преподаватель без категории
Образование: Павлодарский государственный университет им. С. Торайгырова, 2009 г., специальность: Финансы;
Преподаваемые дисциплины: основы экономики, рыночная экономика, основы предпренимательской деятельности, основы экономической теории, контроль налоговых органов.
Педагогический стаж: 3 года