General information about college
Period of license – no period time.
For organization study process college used 78 study and 14 laboratorges, 13 computer rooms, 7 study – production tool – rooms, polygon of bricklayers, 3 sport rooms, stadion, assembly hall, conference hall, medical inspection room, dinning – room and other auxiliary accommodations.
Study process in college makes by knew information and education technology. Study auditoria inventory methodical and reference materials, demonstation means and technic pockets of education learns and control character, allow to student to improve theys practical abilities.
Electronically books, open educational resources, virtual laboratories, multimedia elective courses on other carried – important resources to reach good education process.
Informatization study – pedagogical process and Management College provides computer park.
Modern computer technic, wide pocket with applied programs, access to speed internet – resources, necessary tools for preparing experts, competition able on jobs market.
System organithation science – practical and project activity students allowed to improve they leaders qualities and organizational abilities’, reach’s information, communication and recourses competition .
Quality of preparation future experts provide high qualification teachers group of college, constantly improves owns professional skills.