From September 20, the “Presidential Elections of the Student Parliament 2022” will begin at the INEU Higher College, which will last until September 22. Candidates for president of the student parliament are campaigning to clarify their plans for students and faculty. The meeting participants actively support the candidates, ask questions of interest to them and wish them victory in the upcoming elections.
Candidates for President of the Student Parliament:

Candidate for the post of President of the Student Parliament No. 1 – Likhanova Daria, 1 year of specialty “Banking and Insurance” Daria actively participates in the life of the group and college, as well as in various competitions and events. Engaged in basketball, is fond of fiction Responsibility, sociability, friendship, kindness, honesty, determination. The best, active, athlete. He always participated in school olympiads, wrote books about the missing sailors of Kazakhstan. |

Candidate No. 2 for the post of president of the student parliament is Milan Kulataev, a student of the UiA-112 group. Active participant in Olympiads and competitions. He is the winner of the republican exhibition “Wonders of Crafts,” the regional scientific and practical conference “Science and Innovation – 2022,” the All-Russian Mathematical Flash Mob “Math Cat-2021” and other events. Krasnogorsk Gymnasium named after N.I. Ogorodnikova graduated with a red certificate He likes to draw in his spare time, skateboard and try new recipes. |

Candidate No. 3 for the post of president of the student parliament is Tuleuova Adina, a student of the BSD-112 group. Adina communicates very much, can quickly find a common language with people and treats everyone carefully. He speaks English well and is constantly developing. The technique has two goals, in particular, the formation of a comfortable situation in college, diversification of everyday life. Because the quality of students’ education depends on the conditions that surround them. |

Candidate No. 4 for the post of president of the student parliament is Maren Daniyal, a student of the SMS-320 group.
He actively participates in the life of college, is engaged in editing, in his free time he works as a DJ. He has such qualities as honesty, kindness, community, determination and the main understanding.