Subject week of the specialty “Design”

From April 24 to April 28, a week of the specialty Design was held at the Higher College of InEU. It began with a regional open lesson by teacher Yuminova E.I. on the discipline “World History of Art” on the theme “The Art of ancient Egypt”. The lesson was held at a high level, interesting material was presented, costumed theatricalization, presentations and videos were used.

On April 25, the teacher of special disciplines Tairov D.Yu. held an open defense of term papers in group D-310. During the defense, the guys presented many interesting developments, original ideas and demonstrated a good level of training in the discipline “Composition”.

At the lesson of S.M. Grudtsyna “Effects in CorelDRAW”, not only students of the D-310 group, but also teachers had the opportunity to try their hand at this program.
It was interesting to have a master class on origami for college teachers M.S. Stugireva Tulip, made in this technique, Maria Sergeevna’s colleagues were happy to keep as a souvenir.

The design week ended with an open lesson by Yuminova E.I. on the topic “What color suits you”. The college teachers present at it received practically significant information on the style of color in clothing.
Also, as part of the Design week, from April 24 to 28, an exhibition of works by students of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th courses of the Polytechnic department of the specialty Design was held in the lobby of the college building. The exhibition featured works made in oil painting, gouache, and graphics with the use of various techniques and materials, computer design, development of corporate styles of various enterprises, book illustrations and posters.

In general, the Design week was rich and exciting, the events held received good reviews.