Is a jury trial necessary?

On February 17, 2023, at the Information Technology Department, members of the ”Lawyer” debate club held a debate on the topic: “Is a jury trial necessary?” under the guidance of a teacher of legal disciplines A.J.Mausymbekova. The purpose of the discussion is consideration of the legal and theoretical foundations of the institute of jury trial in legal proceedings, research on the organization of the jury court, analysis of the specifics of the administration of justice in a criminal case in a jury trial.
The jury trial consolidates the participation of society in the administration of justice, guarantees consistent observance of human rights and freedoms in the judicial procedure.
Not everyone knows that an ordinary person without a legal education and experience can stay in the role of the arbiter of justice and even make money on it. Citizens of Kazakhstan also have such an opportunity, it is called a jury trial. Such a court appeared in medieval England. There, the accused, not caught red-handed, could bring seven people to court with him. They were supposed to vouch for his innocence. In turn, the prosecutors brought with them the same number of guarantors of the defendant’s guilt. The audience listened to all the pros and cons and voted. If the majority of votes were in favor of the accused, he was released.

According to the participants of the debate, a kind of jury trial also existed in the Kazakh Khanate. His role was played by the court of biys, who were nominated by the people from the most just and authoritative members of the community.
  The speakers of the debates helped us to understand how the jury works in modern Kazakhstan, how it differs from a professional court and who can become a juror.
Students asked questions of interest to each other, to which they received explanatory answers.
According to the results of the debate, the 1st place was awarded to the “Graduates” team students of the P-330 group Bogdan Kartunov, Dilnaz Zhangozhina, Ilya Dirksen. The 2nd place was awarded to the “Justice” team students of the group P-211 Tkacheva Arina, Aitbayeva Kamila, Ivanisova Sofia.
We wish the participants of the debate new creative victories!