Higher College of InEU among the winners!

 Participation of students of the Higher College of InEU in International scientific and practical conferences is a good tradition. It is here that young researchers offer their first scientific experience to others.
 At the Higher Pedagogical College. B. Akhmetova 02/26/2021 the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Development of the Creative Potential of the Individual and Society” was held. Students from Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus took part in it. In the section “Methods of teaching a foreign language”, a 1st year student of the specialty “Translation Studies” Karina Temerbaeva took the 2nd place for her topical work “Using mobile applications in teaching English”. Scientific adviser – foreign language teacher Shәnshur S. Sh. Congratulations to Karina and Sagynysh Shәnshurkyzy with a prize and wish you new creative victories