The admissions Committee of InEUHC has started its work

The choice of a profession is a multifaceted and difficult question; you cannot answer in one minute, as in childhood, what you want to become.

Vocational work with graduates of schools in the city and the region begins at the Higher College of InEU on September 1. Teachers of INEUHC become frequent guests of schools: meetings with students are held, consultations of parents and teachers, speeches at teachers’ councils, printed materials are actively distributed, and future applicants are tested.

Our difficult time left its mark on the activities of all educational institutions. Career counselors switched to a remote form of work: they posted information about specialties on the college website, school sites, and instagrams. Applicants could not only remotely register on the college website, pass testing, but also ask any question about their future profession before the official opening of the admissions committee.

And on June 22, 2020, the work of the selection committee was launched. The opening was attended by the head of the educational institution Tazhenov Sh.A., deputy directors, department heads, executive secretary of the selection committee of VKINEU Apaeva J.K., technical secretaries.

The commission is ready to accept the maximum number of applicants, however, taking into account the situation and compliance with quarantine standards. Applicants and their parents will be able to get information about the organization of the admission campaign in our college, the working hours, the availability of budget places, benefits for students and much more.

Welcome to InEU Higher College!