Vkineu – six -time champions of the region in volleyball!

The finanneal competitions of the XXIII regional Spartakiad of the 1st League of Volleyball College League were held! As a result, the team of girls Vkineu became 6 multiple champions of the region!
The young men took 🥇 place.
Also, the director of the regional practical center of physical education and sports was awarded with a diploma of the coach-teacher Tortaeva K.K.
Congratulations to the Vkineuu team
We thank the students of Vkineu:
1. Karammbaev Ismagul
2. Bolathan Doszhan
3. Bekbolatov Aldiyar
4. Zhenisov Asylzhan
5. Kaliakhmetov Canias
b. Zholan Asylbek
7. Degtyarenko Artem
8. Ramazan Margulan
9. Yerbolatula Yerhat
10. Bauyrzhanuly Berdіbek 1. Zhumatova Karina
12. Pardabaeva Gulnaz
13. Mukhamedzhanova Anel 14.
Kazantseva Ekaterina 15. Ganzha Kirina
16. Magilova Anna
17. Adylcanova Zhasmin 18. Kazantseva Olga
19. Sadenova Aruzhan
20. Alazina Zamzagul