February 7, 2015 The VIII Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “The Social Role of Economy and Law in the Development of the Region” was held in Pavlodar Innovative Multidisciplinary College of Pavlodar. Students of InEU College took an active part in the conference. To participate in the conference from KiNEU, 6 scientific projects were announced, the number of participants from each college was limited. This year, students of all colleges of Pavlodar region applied, and the competition among the participants was very high.
Conference results:
– 3rd place in the section “Civil Law” was taken by a student of the group P-322 Duisembekova Kamila (supervisor Kashkenova Aigul Mirashovna);
– 3rd place in the section “Humanitarian and Pedagogical” was taken by a student of the SMS-124 group Sadykova Aydana (supervisor Malgazhdarov Kuat Alibekovich).
All conference participants and their supervisors were encouraged by the certificates.
Scientific leaders Kashkenova Aigul Mirashovna, Malgazhdarov Kuat Alibekovich were awarded diplomas for preparing the winners of the scientific and practical conference.
Director of the college Tazhenov Shalkarbay Amirzhanovich was awarded with a letter of thanks for his active participation in the conference of students of KInEU.
We congratulate our winners and wish the students a successful speech at the scientific and practical conference in Pavlodar Polytechnic College on March 13, 2015!