The word “sport” in the Middle Ages meant a pleasant pastime, that is, conversations, jokes, games, entertainment. And only at the beginning of the 19th century did it gain the meaning in which we use it – competition in strength, speed, dexterity, stamina. This fact confirms the old truth: talking about and doing sports is not one and the same thing. And at InEU College they prefer to play sports in physical education and sports sections and due to their entertainment, various sports competitions serve as an excellent means of promoting mass physical culture in colleges. held under the motto “For all Mixtura – Physical Culture,” various sports were held: “fun starts” for 1-year students, competitions in volleyball, basketball, kettlebell lifting, national Kazakh games – asyk atu and toғyz – қumalaқ.
Serious passions simmered in the gym. Each team team fought for victory with healthy sportivnym excitement. The main intrigue of the competition lasted a long time. After all, the will and perseverance, the feeling of the team, the desire for victory were characteristic of everyone. The week passed in one breath. The prizes were distributed as follows:
Fun Starts Competition:
1st place – ICU team,
2nd place – the national team of the Humanitarian Department,
3rd place – the national team of the Energy Department.
Volleyball Championship (boys):
1st place-college team,
2nd place – the team of the Energy Department,
3rd place – the team of the Polytechnic Department.
Volleyball Championship (girls):
1st place – the team of the Humanitarian Branch,
2nd place – ICU team.
Basketball Championship (boys):
1st place – Power Department,
2nd place – Polytechnic Department,
3rd place – Humanitarian department.
Basketball Championship (girls):
1st place – Humanitarian department,
2nd place – ICU.
Kettlebell lifting:
1st place – Esen Yermek (SEZ-124),
2nd place – Motsny Maxim (ES-214),
3rd place was shared by the Alnazarov brothers Amirzhan and Adilzhan (SEZ-124).
1st place – Izatova Asel (SEZ – 124),
2nd place – Kanafina Mahabbat (F-224),
3 places – Kazhikarimov Amir (P-213).
Asyk atu:
1st place – Zhakauov Erasyl, Totieva Nazerke (FS-124),
2nd place – Kyzduan Batyrbek (FS -124), Kucheryavykh Elizaveta (FS -114),
3rd place – Mushetov Daniyar (FS-124), Anna Smyshlyaeva (FS-114).
Winners and prize-winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and prizes.
Competition is the best examiner, every meeting is a lesson, every opponent is a strict teacher. Live and learn!