In order to strengthen cooperation between the three parties, on January 31, 2015, a round table “Interaction of the college with social partners on the employment of graduates” was held at the College of Innovative Eurasian University: employer – student – educational institution.
The round table meeting was opened by the director of the INEU college Tazhenov Shalkarbay Amirzhanovich. Guests of the round table on questions from graduates: Deputy Head of the Department of the Center for Employment and Social Programs Kuzminkova Larisa Ivanovna, representative of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Head of the Department of Human Capital Development and Social Partnership Bespaeva Lyazzat Serikovna, teacher of the Department of Biochemistry, Agribusiness and Ecology InEU Proskurina-Tkina skurina Anastasia sergeevna, director of LLP Construction “Nurlan Kabykenovich, Director of Kerekustroy LLP Aldyngarov Esengali Kabylkashevich
At the round table meeting, issues were raised regarding the realities of the interaction of TiPO institutions with social partners, as well as the problems faced by young specialists in the process of employment. The invited employers got acquainted with the requirements for young specialists and described the model of a competitive graduate.
During the meeting, the main areas of cooperation between the college and social partners were determined. Thus, in order to meet the needs of enterprises in qualified specialists, it was decided to conclude contracts with enterprises for the training of specialists, create a working group of employers to agree on practice programs and a special block of disciplines, involve representatives of partner enterprises in assessing the quality of professional knowledge and skills, as well as the formation of a database of potential employers.
Deputy Director
on training and production work
T. Isabekov