On January 22nd, as part of the long-standing collaboration between InEU College and Secondary School No. 9, teachers from the Polytechnic Department invited 9th-grade students for an introductory excursion. The meeting with the students began with the screening of the video “InEU College – Quality Education at Its Best.” Head of the department, Dashzeveg D.D., addressed the students and school teachers, providing insights about the college, its traditions, and achievements. A significant event in the educational institution’s life was the successful institutional accreditation, which propelled InEU College onto the international market of educational services. Colorful presentations showcased all the specialties within the Polytechnic Department. Due to the diverse range of professions, the ninth-graders had difficulty orienting themselves, resulting in a multitude of questions. Professors from the department, Nizhenko K.A., Ibraeva A.A., Karptsova G.A., and Tabasheva G.K., provided detailed consultations about the technical specialties related to standardization, construction, and design that are in demand in the Pavlodar region.
Teachers from other departments also shared information about their specialties. Physical Education instructor, Batalova A.G., revealed the secrets of health and athletic prowess. The college hosts a significant number of accomplished athletes. The college offers ample sports facilities, including specialized sports halls, a tennis court, gymnasiums, and a ski base.
Foreign language proficiency opens up vast opportunities in the job market. Specialties in “Translation Studies” and “Primary Education” were presented by Jakupova A.Kh., who discussed the collaboration between the college and the university, student internship locations, and employment opportunities.
One of the most popular professions remains that of a lawyer. The “Jurisprudence” specialty was presented by Kashkenova A.M. Graduates of InEU College work in courts, police departments, legal firms, and government institutions. The meeting highlighted the demand for this specialty, with many ninth-graders expressing their desire to become lawyers. The rules for admission to the college, the duration of studies, and exams were clarified by Baygabulov Zh.Z., and brochures were distributed to all interested parties.
Senior vocational counselor of the department, Smailova B.S., explained the functioning of the college’s website, introduced the “Prospective Student” web page, and encouraged students to fill out a questionnaire. An analysis of the questionnaires revealed that the most popular professions among the students were economist and lawyer. The meeting concluded with a tour of the college. Professors Aidargalin A.K. and Dzhamanbalieva A.K. guided the students through the educational buildings and workshops. Sports facilities were demonstrated by Batalova A.G.
InEU College always welcomes guests. InEU College – a brilliant start to your future.
Senior vocational counselor of PTO, Smailova B.S.