Usually, there are different types of holidays, but winter breaks are the best! During the holidays, students from our college didn’t stay idle. Some met with friends and relatives in different places, strolled around streets and parks, watched new movies, played their favorite video games. Some used their free time to work and earn some pocket money, while others enjoyed their long-awaited rest and explored the depths of the Internet…
Among them, first-year students of the PD-134 group, Madian and Ali Aqul, surprised everyone by attending the regional gathering of young astronomers at the M.M. Kataev Children’s Palace on January 21 during the winter holidays. They visited the planetarium and found creative ways to express their thoughts.
This event is particularly noteworthy because it was held for the first time in the history of Pavlodar Priirtysh. Despite the fact that we don’t have many professional astronomers in our region and there are more enthusiasts, young astronomers decided to unite. They now have their own planetarium at the Children’s Palace, and plans are underway to build an observatory.
Astronomy and the exploration of space, as one of the promising directions in the development of Kazakhstani science, interests those who are fascinated by scientific and technical research in this field, space technology, ufology, and other intriguing subjects. Hearing about the gathering, everyone interested in these topics headed to the Children’s Palace. Participants presented their computerized videos on topics such as “Space Technology,” “Earth from Space,” “Solar System,” “Boundless Cosmos,” “Which Galaxy Are You From?” “Space from Earth,” and “Sounds of Space.” Daniel Lyubimov, a graduate of the technical modeling club at the Children’s Palace, demonstrated models of spacecraft, while Adil Kayyirden, a student of the “Zhas Daryn” school, gave a presentation. Then followed an informative and entertaining program with elements of theatrical performance, featuring fantastic extraterrestrial beings. In the end, the initially aggressive aliens realized that the Earth’s youth is interested in space and knows a lot about it, so they decided to establish contact with Earthlings a few light years from now.
During the gathering, a contest of essays was held on the topics of “The Fate of Humanity and Space,” “My Predictions for Space Exploration in the Next Hundred Years,” and others. The jury evaluated the originality and thoroughness of topic exploration, stylistic coherence, and the artistic value of the information (expressiveness of expressive means). Our college students, Madian and Ali Aqul, also wrote their thoughts on the topic “Are We Alone in the Universe?” As a result, Madian Aqul received the III-degree diploma, and Ali Aqul, for his creative work, received an encouragement prize—a coupon for a free viewing of a scientific and popular film about space at the planetarium.