These days the glory will not cease

The Victory Day is a holiday that was, is and, I am convinced, will always be the closest for each of us. This is a tribute of immense respect to the Great feat of the Great People who liberated the world from fascism. No matter how many years have passed since the spring of ’45, we will never forget that it was a Great Victory of justice over evil and violence. Victory in the war for the independence of our Motherland, for the right to live on free land, for a cloudless future for children and grandchildren.

On the eve of the Great Victory Day, the event “These days the glory will not cease” was held at the Higher College of the Innovative Eurasian University. The purpose of the event was to create conditions for the younger generation to form a sense of pride for their Homeland, to preserve the memory of the feat of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.

Low bow and heartfelt gratitude to all veterans of the Great Patriotic War for your military feat!