On February 16 of this year, the results of the presentation contest “Environmental problems of my city and region” among students of the Department of Information Technology were summed up. Students had the opportunity to publicly defend prepared presentations and receive feedback. In particular, the presentations of the students of the P-122 group Elguat Maliki and the student of the P-112 group Shakarov Danial were recognized as the best. In their presentations, students talked about the quality of the environment of the Pavlodar region, the impact of production facilities on the quality of air, water and soil, and the consequences of environmental problems for public health.

In addition, geography teacher Akhmetova A. Zh. told about the environmental problems not only of the Pavlodar region, but also of Kazakhstan as a whole, about Kazakhstan’s place in international environmental ratings and offered to discuss the topic of the ecological future of Kazakhstan. For example, in the ranking of the cleanest countries in the world, Kazakhstan took 101st place out of 180 countries, and in the ranking of the effectiveness of environmental policy – 69th place. The students also watched the video “Environmental threats of Kazakhstan” and shared their thoughts.