Interactive game “the music of the 2000th” gathered in the auditorium of the Innovative Eurasian University melomans from among students and teachers of colleges and universities of the city. Conducted a grand campaign of quizmen MQ_PVL.

It has not been so lively and hot in the InEU auditorium for a long time.
Participants of musical quiz were 20 teams. Each of them had to answer the cover-up questions and solve difficult tasks.
“For example, the one song sounded, but the video was imposed from another composition. Teams needed to guess the performer of the song, and where the video was taken from., – said the head of the Department of educational work and social affairs of InEU Ludmila Shokleeva.

The game captured participants. Everything was plunged into the world of the music of 2000. Teams emotionally discussed each question and boldly put their options. It should be noted, the quiz consisted of five rounds. According to their results, the winners were the guys from the team “factory stars” of the Highest College of InEU. The second place was taken by the team “dashing 90’s” – is an administration of the HCINEU (Karmishina Lidiya Vasilyevna, Hamitova Asem Tolegenovna, Kostyuk Valeria Vladimirovna), the team “running on wires” is on the third place.

“We plan to cooperate with quiz organizers. They have a large package of games: intelligent, detectives, movies-quiz. In the future, students will be involved in the schoolchildren to hold a large-scale tournament, – said the head of the Department of educational work management and social affairs of InEU Ludmila Shokleeva.
By the way, there are already a lot of people who want to become participants of the next quiz.