Exhibition “Holy Ground – Sacred Land!” at the Ertis Museum.

On January 13, 2023, the Ertis Museum opened the exhibition “Kieli zherim-casiette elim! Holy land – sacred land!”, to the 85th anniversary of the formation of Pavlodar region. The exhibition presents photographs and documents from the funds of the Pavlodar Regional Museum of Local History. Photos by D.P. Bagaeva, V.N. Bugaeva, V.N. Bugaeva and A.V. Parkhomenko, tell about the historical events of our region.

Honorary citizen of Pavlodar region, labor veteran Shakarimov K.N., director of the Pavlodar House of Geography Vervekin A.A., as well as labor veteran Mausymbaev S.
The opening of the exhibition was attended by historians, local historians, the club of veterans “Zamandas”, students of VkInEU, museum staff and residents of the city, the media.
After the grand opening, the guests were given a tour of the exhibition and the halls of the museum.