Literary case ‘I open the book!’

The teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Economics Department Makimova A.K., within the framework of the Reading College program, conducted a literary case in the TORAT-112 group on 21 November, 2022, “ I’m opening a book’!” ” I explore the world!” based on the novel by F.M.Dostoevsky “Crime and punishment”. The purpose of the event is to instill the skill of analyzing a work of fiction developing the ability to generalize, to think, and to get the humanistic idea of the novel across to students. Actively participating in the analysis of the work, the students of group were able to reveal the essence of Raskolnikov’s theory and his actions, to build a gallery of the novel’s characters from a psychological and philosophical point of view, as was conceived by the author. Also students were able to connect the idea and plot of the novel with the present time. As a result, they found the answer to Dostoevsky’s humanistic idea: ”Love and kindness will save the world!”