On June 2 of this year, history teacher K.A. Malgazhdarov among 1st year students held a round table on the topic “Symbols of unity and connection of times,” dedicated to the day of “State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”
Goal: to form a respectful and careful attitude among students to the state symbols of Kazakhstan, to the historical past and traditions of the peoples of our country, to educate feelings of patriotism and love for their homeland, to develop cognitive interest, to expand their horizons in the field of state symbols.
The feeling of the Motherland, pride in their country begin with respect for its symbols. Therefore, at all times, state symbols are a matter of national pride.
The dialogue on the announced topic concerned the formation of Kazakhstani patriotism and respect for state symbols.
The participants of the round table also discussed the rules for the use of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Students, together with the teacher, came to the conclusion that propaganda and popularization of state symbols is an effective way to educate patriotism. According to the audience, it is necessary to continue to hold such events so that the coat of arms, anthem and flag become an integral part of the life of every Kazakhstani.