On February 23, the competition continued within the framework of the week of physical culture called “For all medicine – physical culture.” Darts competition took place today.

 Purpose of the competition:

 – development and popularization of sports;

 – improving the sports skills of students;

 – promotion of a healthy lifestyle during a pandemic.

 The general management of the preparation and conduct of the competition was carried out by physical culture teachers. The chief judge of the competition is A.E. Zhetpis.

 Students of the first years of college were allowed to participate in competitions for personal championship. Participants performed the “Scoring” exercise. Darts were used for throwing. The darts were thrown at the target in sectors from 1 to 20. The center of the target is 50 points, the ring around it is 25. The height of the target is 173 cm from the center to the floor, the throw distance is 237 cm.

 Each participant performed a trial series of 3 throws, which did not count. Then 3 test series of 3 throws were performed. The result of the participants was determined by the total number of points scored in all 3 series. In case of equality of points in the individual championship, the advantage was given to the player who showed the maximum result in one of the series. The competition was attended by students from five departments of the college.

 The results of the competition are as follows: among girls, 1st place was taken by Buchekei Jasmin, a student of the group Maintenance and repair of equipment-110 of the energy department, 2nd place was taken by a student of the group Standardization, metrology and certification-120 of the polytechnic department Kairolla Dilyar, 3rd place was also among power engineers, a student TOPO-110 Abdylmanova Dilnaz. Well done, girls!

 The guys’ places were distributed as follows: Musabekov Yerasyl, a student of the ESiS-110 group of the energy department, Seitkul Elaman, a student of the P-120 group of the information technology department took 2nd place, and 3rd place went to Ivan Starkas, a student of the Maintenance and equipment repair group -110. Congratulations guys!

 At the end of the competition, an award ceremony took place, the winners received certificates of honor and sweet prizes.


 AM Tarzhakaeva, Chairman of the Physical Culture and Initial Military Training Center