V Republican legal scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren and college students “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN – THE BASIS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE AND SOCIETY”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of the Higher College of the Innovative Eurasian University of the year. The organizers of this event were members of the cyclic methodological commission of legal disciplines of the Higher College of InEU under the leadership of A.Zh. Mausymbekova.

         In the competition for the best work in five areas: civil law, family law, civil procedure; criminal law and criminology, criminal executive law, criminal procedure; state and legal; social and humanitarian sciences, social and economic sciences – 398 scientific reports took part.

         The best representatives of educational institutions of Pavlodar, as well as social partners of the higher college of InEU were invited as the jury.

 Chairmen were: section “Civil law, family law, civil procedure” – Zhangazina Galiya Shametovna., Judge of the Pavlodar district court; section “Criminal Law and Criminology, Criminal Executive Law, Criminal Procedure” – Daniyar Asylbekovich Baildinov, Police Major, Head of the Investigation Department of the Central Police Department of Pavlodar; State and Legal Section – Elmuratov Gani Zhumabaevich – Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Journalism and Information, NAO Toraigyrov University; section “Social Sciences and Humanities” – Rakhmatulla Bulat Shiyapuly – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Contemporary History of Kazakhstan, Innovative Eurasian University; Section of Socio-Economic Science – Karimbergenova Madina Kudaibergenovna – Doctor of PHD, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, NJSC Toraigyrov University.

 Participation in the jury of representatives of other regions of Kazakhstan has traditionally become. Thanks to the remote form, the Financial Academy of the city of Nur-Sultan – Akhmadieva Gulfiya Nurlubekovna, the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University of Nur-Sultan – Yeleusizov Erbol Ibragimovich, Kereev Azamat Anuashevich participated in the judging.

  A.Sh. Khamzin became the honorary guest of the conference – President of InEU, Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the Kazakh Academy of Education, Chairman of the Council for Cooperation with Courts of the Pavlodar Regional Court, Honorary Judge of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Citizen of Pavlodar , Chairman of the Council of Biys of Pavlodar and Pavlodar region, Member of the Ethics Council of the Department of Civil Service in Pavlodar region, Judge in Honorary retirement.

         The conference was held in the following format: February 17-18, 2021 – online presentations through the Zoom platform.

        The plenary session of the scientific forum of schoolchildren and students began with a speech by the first head of our educational institution. He emphasized that at the present stage of development, Kazakhstani education in its inextricable, organic connection with science is becoming an increasingly powerful driving force for economic growth, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the state’s economy, which makes it one of the most important factors of national security and welfare of the country, the well-being of every citizen. … Sh.A. Tazhenov wished success in the work of the conference and creative victories to its participants.

 At the end of the second working day, the conference participants gathered to sum up the results and announce the winners. The jury members noted the active participation in the online scientific forum of representatives of the city of Nur-Sultan; Almaty city; Pavlodar; Almaty; Aktobe; Atyrau; Kostanay; Akmola; Karaganda; East Kazakhstan; North Kazakhstan; Kyzylorda; Zhambyl; Mangystau regions

 According to the results of the conference, the participants were awarded certificates.

 The winners table looks like this:

 Prize-winning places among students of colleges and schools


 Section “Civil law, family law, civil procedure”


 1st place – Zhumabek Madina Erzhangyzy – Pavlodar audany Zagar orta mektebi

 2nd place – Tyuleneva Daria Aleksandrovna – GU SOSH № 11 of Pavlodar

 3rd place – Amina Sakenovna Kosanova – State Institution “Lyceum School No. 8 for Gifted Children” of Pavlodar


 Nomination: Oratory – Amangalieva Damira – school № 7 of Pavlodar



 1st place – Manasova Inzhu Manaskyzy – Aktobekulik, communication to women zhana technology colleges

 2nd place – Andreeva Anastasia Sergeevna – Pavlodar Chemical and Mechanical College

 2nd place – Kaysynova AisұluҚuandyzyzy – Schuchinsk kalasy, zhogarypedagogikalyқcollege

 3rd place – Asayonok Natalya Pavlovna – Multidisciplinary Humanitarian Technical College, Karaganda

 3rd place – Saginova Samira Adilievna – Ekibastuz College InEU

 3rd place – Galeev Maksat Askarovich – Rudny Social and Humanitarian College named after I. Altynsarin


 Nomination: Oratory – Kibe Valeria – Terenkol Agrarian Technical College


 Section “Criminal law and criminology, criminal executive law”


 1st place Bekenova Dilnaz Muratovna – Oblysty kөpsalaly daryndy balalrғa arnalғan boarding school

 2nd place Imanul Gulderay Zholdasbekkyzy – Kenzhekol secondary school

 3rd place Marat Daniyal Merkhatuly – “Lyceum – boarding school” Bilim-innovation “for gifted young men”

 3rd place Shegebaeva Karina Giorgievna – State Institution “Lyceum School No. 8 for gifted children” of Pavlodar

 Nomination: Practical significance of the research – Baytanatov Aslan Samatovich – GU SOSH № 11 of Pavlodar




 1st place Pozdnyakova Anastasia Andreevna – Kostanay Higher Medical College

 2nd place Imantayev Almaz Erboluly- Karagandy zhogary polytechnical colleges

 2nd place Mikhov Dmitry Petrovich – Pavlodar Higher College of Management

 3rd place Matukhno Milena Vadimovna- Semey, Kainar College

 3rd place Zyamidenova Sania Shaydollovna – Kapsalaly humanitarian-technicians colleges Karagandy Kalasy

 3rd place Zhanagulova Dana Meyramovna – Pavlodar College of Service and Food


 Nomination: Practical significance of the research – Tolegenova Danela Erzhanovna – Higher College of InEU, Pavlodar


 State Legal Section


 1st place Sheveleva Tatyana – secondary school No. 11 of Pavlodar

 2nd place Kadyrbek Benazir – Lyceum School No. 8 in Pavlodar

 3rd place Balashov Vladimir – Lyceum School No. 8 in Pavlodar

 3rd place Abisheva Jasmine – school No. 17 of Pavlodar


 Nomination: Creative approach of Arygazy Temirlan Madiuly – school №37, Pavlodar



 1st place Kapbasov Alisher – Humanitarian and legal college of KazGUU, Nur-Sultan

 2nd place Begaidarova Sofya Temirtau Higher Polytechnic College

 2nd place Samatkyzy Gulnaz – Aktube kulik communication zhane zhana technology colleges

 2nd place Pavlov Vitaly – Kokshetau Humanitarian and Technical College

 3rd place Sorokin Ilya – Higher College of InEU, Pavlodar

 3rd place Serik Varvara – Rudny social and humanitarian college

 3rd place abdylkayat Zhansay – Pavlodar College of Service and Nutrition

 3rd place Shimbulatova Sabina – Kostanay Higher Economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz


 Nomination: Creative approach of Anafin Dalmira Meyrambekkyzy – Kyzylorda kalasy, “Orda” zhogary colleges


 Section “Social Sciences and Humanities”


 1st place Alpamys Madzhida Armangyzy – Kenzhekul zhapy orta bilim take mektebi

 2nd place Boyarko Ulyana – KSU “Secondary school №26 of the city of Pavlodar”

 2nd place Ivanova Violetta Alekseevna – school No. 18 of Pavlodar

 2nd place Balykova Daria Igorevna State Institution “Lyceum School No. 8 for Gifted Children”

 3rd place Dusenbi Nazerke Meiramkyzy – B. Khaidarov atyndagy ZHOBBM, Bayanauyl audany

 3rd place Ivanova Angelina Evgenievna – school №6, Pavlodar city

 3rd place Kolpakova Anastasia Aleksandrovna – school No. 18 of Pavlodar

 3rd place Aldabergengyzy Aigerim – No. 7 zhpy orta bilim take mektebi, Pavlodar kalasy


 Nomination: Relevance of the research – Adilbekuly Askhat – No. 7 zhpy orta bilim take mektebi, Pavlodar qalasy



 1st place Kutichenko Valery – Almaty Economic College

 2nd place Anara Kambarovna Muktarova – Kostanay Aleumettik-technicians colleges

 2nd place Ketebaeva Sabina Toktarovna – Private institution “College Zerek”

 2nd place Baiserkeshova Aida Nurymzhanovna – ChU “Aktobe Technical and Technological College”

 3rd place Korolkova Veronika Valerievna – Pavlodar Economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz

 3rd place Leifrid Anastasia Andreevna – Higher College of InEU

 3rd place Urmantaeva Dinara Muratovna – Private Institution “College Zerek”

 3rd place Beketayev Alikhan Muratuly – Karaganda Commercial College

 3rd place Uzykhanova Kamilya Nurbolovna – B. Akhmetov atyndagy zhogary pedagogical colleges


 Nomination: Relevance of the research – Vikhlyaev Alexander Alexandrovich – Pavlodar Chemical and Mechanical College


 Section of socio-economic sciences


 1st place Boretsky Bogdan – secondary school No. 11 Pavlodar

 2nd place Amangeldin Aldiyar Serikovich – NIS Pavlodar

  3rd place Omarova Madina Bekzatovna Kenzhekol secondary school


 Nomination: Zhakupova Zhansaya Madenietovna – No. 7 zhpy orta bilim take mektebi, Pavlodar kalasy



 1st place Lugovskikh Ilya Vyacheslavovich, Stepanchenko Alexander Sergeevich – “Kostanay Construction College”

 2nd place Nurmakhanova Bibinur Batyrkhanovna – Nur-Sultankalasynyk ukimdigi “Zhogarykulik zhune communication college”

 2nd place Sysak Elizaveta Valerievna – Ust-Kamenogorsk, College named after Kumash Nurgaliev


 2nd place Amangeldi Nazira Ardakkyzy – Pavlodar Economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz

 3rd place Akimov Ilyas Serikuly – KGP on REM College of Information Technologies, Pavlodar

 3rd place Sarsenbek Zhamal Armyagyzy – InEU zhogary colleges

 3rd place Fanagei Anastasia Fedorovna Aktobe Technical and Technological College


 Nomination: Best presentation Krot Vladislav Aleksandrovich “Higher Pedagogical College, the city of Shchuchinsk” at the Department of Education of Akmola region


         Concluding the work of the scientific forum, the head of the college Tazhenov Sh.A. assured that in the next academic year the conference of legal and social disciplines will continue its work, and invited those present to take an active part in it.