Mukagali Makatayev is a Kazakh poet who was not much favored by the authorities during his lifetime, but who, until the last days, kept in his soul childish idealism and spontaneity.

        His biography began in 1931, at the dawn of the turbulent transformations that swept through the republics of the still young USSR. Mukagali Makatayev (Mkagali Magatayev) was born in the small village of Karasaz, in the Narynkol region (Almaty region).

        Basically, Makatayev’s works were published in periodicals. In 1948 the first poem was published in the newspaper “Soviet Border”. Only in 1951 was Mukagali published together with other young authors in the collection Songs of Youth (Zhastar Zhyry).

       The first real fame came to the poet after the publication of “Appassionata” in 1962. Two years later the poem “Ilyich” was published. At the same time, Mukagali Makatayev, whose lyrics are imbued with compassion for children who grew up in the difficult years of the war, waited a long time for the publication of his first book. During the life of the writer, five collections of poetry were published. All of them were warmly received by readers.

         In the last period of his life, Mukagali Makatayev wrote poems, admittedly, the best. They are filled with such feelings and emotions as: quiet sadness, concern about their future and their children, love for life as such, awe in relation to the world around them, poems about kindness.

      The poet Mukagali Makatayev, beloved by readers, but persecuted by envious people, has managed to create many outstanding works during his 45 years. He made a huge contribution to the national culture and art of Kazakhstan. His talent was recognized only after death, but his poems will remain in eternity.


    For those who wish to learn more about the poet’s work, a book exhibition is arranged in the college library.