On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of the Mother Language on February 10, 2021, in the group Primary Education-318, an intellectual competition “Tugan tilim-tyrym” was held in the online conference mode, which was conducted by the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Kydyrkulova M.M., and the students of the group KiL -219 attended as spectators.

 International Mother Language Day was established by the resolution of the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO on November 17, 1999 in order to preserve linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

 “The formation of the Kazakh national language goes hand in hand with the formation of the Kazakh people,” said linguist M.T. Tomanov, who studied the history of the language.

 The competition “Tugan tilim-tyrym” consisted of 7 stages.

 Stage 1 was called “About me”, in which the group presented its composition and characteristics and talents of each member of the team.

 Stage 2 – quiz “Rocket”. The tasks in this section are designed for response speed.

 Stage 3 – “Polyglot”. The group had to continue the proverb in one of the languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

 The task of stage 4 is to indicate the author of the winged words about the native language.

 Stage 5 offered to guess the riddle, name the answer also in one of the languages.

 Stage 6 offered to interpret the meaning of the catchphrases in one word.

 And finally, stage 7 is a competition for expressive recitation of poems about the language.

 The competition ended with the song “Zhasa, Kazakhstan”.

 The participants in the competition were very active. Their respect for their native language, knowledge of it, ability to think logically, interest and youthful passion made the event interesting and memorable.