In order to attract talented young people to industrial specialties, Eurasian Group LLP (ERG) is implementing a large-scale project “Future with ERG”, including holding meetings of its employees with students of graduating groups of universities and colleges.

 Our guys were also present at one of these meetings with the students of the colleges of the Pavlodar region.

 At the event, which was held online, production masters, representatives of HR-services of enterprises, activists of youth councils spoke to the students. Future specialists were told about the company and the project “Future with ERG” aimed at professional orientation and acquaintance with the enterprises of the Group.

 Production leaders and ERG specialists have shown career opportunities in the company by personal examples. In addition, students received information on specialties in demand at the enterprises of the Group, a social package for employees, which is a competitive advantage when choosing a place of work. It should be noted that the Group’s social package includes medical insurance, meals, transportation, a year-end bonus, additional days to the main vacation for employees of the production unit, preferential health resort cards, internal and external trainings, the opportunity to participate in the company’s housing programs.

 At the end of the event, the company’s management answered all questions of interest to the students.