November 25, 2020 at the Higher College of InEU within the framework of the week of the Cyclic Methodological Commission of Legal Disciplines by the teacher Kashkenova A.M. a round table was held on the topic “Mediation – the way to consent?”

 The purpose of the event is to form students’ knowledge about mediation as an alternative way to resolve the conflict, as a means of reconciliation.

 Tasks: to understand the essence and principles of mediation, the functions of a mediator; find out the order of the mediation procedure; to form knowledge about the strategy of behavior in conflict situations.

 The speakers of the round table were:

 Olga Leonidovna Nikolashina – Head of the Mediation Center, Kazakh State University “Kogamdyk Kelisim” of the Akim’s Office of Pavlodar region, deputy chairman of the Mediation Council at the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the region, professional mediator. The topic of her speech is “Development of school and student mediation in the region. Goals, Objectives, Prospects ”.
 Marina Anatolyevna Ivanova – Head of the Conciliation Center “Tatulasu Ortalygy” of the Territorial Association of Trade Unions of Pavlodar Region. Topic “The use of mediation in the resolution of labor disputes.”
 Irina Vladimirovna Sedletskaya – mediator, head of the Private Institution “Center for Mediation and Legal Assistance” Consent “. Topic “Algorithm for mediation”.
 Zhanna Kairbekovna Apaeva – Deputy Director for BP of the Higher College of InEU. Topic “Organization of the VKINEU Mediation Service”
 Valeria Valerievna Sergienko is a student of group P-318. The topic is “Our success in mediation.”
 The participants of this event were, first of all, students of 1-3 courses, deputy director for BP Kanieva D.A., teachers of legal disciplines Mausymbekova A.Zh., Myrzagozhina G.T., Tortaeva A.K., Zhunusbekov S.A., heads and classroom leaders of the ICU and the Energy Department (55 participants in total).

 The organizer of the event is Kashkenova A.M. explained the meaning of the term “Mediation”, told the story of its origin.

 During the speech of each speaker, the guys asked questions in the chat and participated in their discussion, put likes, clapped their hands.

  At the end of the meeting, to the fundamental question of the meeting “Mediation is the way to consent?”, Everyone answered: “Yes”!

 At the end of the event, quotes in Latin were given, which inspire to resolve the dispute in mediation:
 1. “Ubi concordia – ibi victoria” – Where there is consent, there is victory.
 2. “Tuto, cito, jucunde” – Safe, fast, pleasant.
 3. “Sine ira et studio” – Without anger and addiction; objectively.
 4. “Fabricando fabricamur” – By creating, we create ourselves.
 5. “Surge et age!” – Get up and go!

 The roundtable participants came to a unanimous opinion: today, in order to live in peace, people need to learn to live by solving problems and tasks on the basis of cooperation.

 And we learn this together …