Human health is the most important value in life. It cannot be bought for any money; it must be protected and stored, improved and strengthened. It is not in vain that folk wisdom says: it is not necessary to be beautiful, the main thing is to be healthy!

 Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity, others lean on food, others do not know how to rest, be distracted from work and household worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia. But the most striking thing is that all people know this, but willingly or unwillingly, thoughtlessly waste their health, believing that it is inexhaustible. Its price will be found out after it is lost.

 About how not to lose health and make your life as rich as possible, the students of the Higher College of InEU of the groups Design-219, Design-110, Standardization, metrology and certification -110, Maintenance, repair, operation of road transport -110 with a specialist of the Center healthy lifestyle by Temirkhanova Asiya Amangeldinovna November 17.

 Asiya Amangeldinovna very simply, briefly and easily told about the ways of maintaining and strengthening health, about proper nutrition, about the importance of drinking water as a source of health; about the importance of positive emotions. The center’s specialist touched upon topical issues of today’s youth, including bad habits. Smoking, active and passive; about the negative impact on the human body of electronic cigarettes, hookah, nasvay; the consequences of the use of cigarettes and psychotropic substances.

 By following simple rules, leading a healthy lifestyle, reading health articles and following their advice, we can avoid serious health problems, and even such as cancer!

 The online meeting ended with a call from the speaker to lead a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!