Every day, many new exhibitions of fine art, sculpture, architecture open around the world. Millions of people get acquainted with the works exhibited there. However, unfortunately, the time of any museum display or exhibition is limited. Sometimes she is in another city or another country, on the opposite end of the world. Until recently, this meant that if you did not have time to be in the right place at the right time, your train left.

 It is most difficult for the inhabitants of small towns, townships and villages to experience the beauty, in which, apart from local history, there are no museums. With the advent of the Internet, this task has become much easier. Today, the largest museums have their own sites on which their expositions are located. So the students of the translation business -229 group visited the expositions of several virtual museums in Kazakhstan. The greatest impression was made on them by the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, one of the oldest and largest museums in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The collection of the fund has about 300 thousand items. Currently, the museum has seven main stationary exhibition halls:

  Hall of Paleontology and Archeology;
  Hall of Historical Ethnography;
  hall of history and ethnography of the people living in Kazakhstan, “Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War”;
  Hall “Modern Kazakhstan”;
  “Open Fund”. Archaeological gold of Kazakhstan;
  Museum of Anthropology;
  Hall of Nikolai Gavrilovich Khludov.
 The children also visited the State Museum of Arts of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteev, which is located in Almaty. In 1983 he was named after the Kazakh artist, the founder of the Kazakh national school of painting – Abylkhan Kasteev. The collection comprises over 25,000 items. The museum has several centers: fine arts, arts and crafts of Kazakhstan, classical foreign art, foreign art of modern times, funds, restoration, exhibitions and expositions.

 Students listened with pleasure and viewed the exhibits in a new format for them. The virtual trip left a lot of good impressions, but, according to the guys, it would be more interesting in real time.