In the Higher College of InEU, within the framework of the Information campaign “Childhood without cruelty and violence”, an essay competition was held on the topic “How to build a world without violence”.

 The topic of violence has become very relevant in modern society. This is a topic that was previously not accepted to talk about, it was hushed up and not noticed.

 One of the ways to combat violence and its consequences is to educate a highly moral, spiritually enriched young generation. Reflections on this topic are also a means of educating a highly spiritual generation.

 Writing an essay is one of the means to achieve the set goals, because speech is an indicator of the level of a person’s culture, thinking and intelligence. An essay allows a person to develop logically, stylistically and emotionally.

 Our students agreed to share their thoughts, reflections on this topic. In their opinion, “in order to eradicate evil, it is not necessary to change the environment, but to change the essence of a person, which cannot be done without the help of the person himself”, “if we want to change the world, then we should start with ourselves. People should become kinder. ”

 The competition was attended by students of 1-2 courses of the following groups: Power supply-110, Translation studies-110, Translation studies-120, Management-110, Elementary education-110, Technical operation, maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by type) -110, Kazakh language and literature-229, Translation studies-229, Standardization, metrology and certification-120, Translation studies-219 (total number of works 120).

 The works were evaluated according to the following criteria:

 presentation style and literacy;
 composition of work.
 The winners of the competition are:

 1st place

  • Taukelova Gulden (Translation Studies-229)
  • Anna Putina (Management -110)
  • Rysbek Kunsulu (Finance-110)

 2nd place

  • Bystrova Sofia (Physical culture and sports-110)
  • Kairzhanova Asema (Finance-110)
  • Karashasheva Binur (Kazakh language and literature-229)

 3rd place

  • Rahmetollah Ayimgul (Primary education-110)
  • Altayeva Jasmin (Management-110)
  • Kabidenova Eldana (Standardization, metrology and certification-120)

     Students were awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks.
     We congratulate the guys on the victory and wish them further creative success!