Mediation seminars

In the period from October 28 to November 10, 2020, the head of the Mediation Center of the Kazakhstan State University “Kogamdyk Kelisim” of the Department of Internal Policy of the Akimat of Pavlodar region Nikolashina O. L. a series of online seminars was organized and conducted for deputy directors for educational work, teachers, college students, as well as their parents.
The main task of the seminars is the formation of a positive attitude towards conflict-free communication, informational and legal education of all participants in the educational process and the creation of conditions for the use of mediation as the main method of resolving conflicts in educational institutions of the region.
Seminar speakers:
1.Nikolashina Olga Leonidovna, head of the Mediation Center, Kazakhstan State University “Kogamdyk Kelisim”, Department of Internal Policy of the Akimat of Pavlodar region, the topic “Development of school and student mediation in the region. Goals, Objectives, Prospects ”.
2.Kamzina Bibegul Tuleshovna, senior inspector for special assignments of the Juvenile Police Group of the Local Police Service Directorate of the Police Department of Pavlodar region, police lieutenant colonel, the topic “Prevention of delinquency among minors”,
3.Ivanova Marina Anatolyevna, veteran of the judicial system, head of the conciliation center “Tatulasu ortalygy”, professional mediator, topic “School mediation – the need for time.”
4. Sedletskaya Irina Vladimirovna, head of the Center for mediation and legal protection “Consent”, the topic “Mediation in criminal cases with the participation of minors”
5. Strelkovskaya Marina Vladimirovna, deputy of the regional maslikhat, head of the Kazakhstan State University “Pavlodar City Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women with Children”, professional mediator, topic “About the activities of the Kazakhstan State University” Pavlodar City Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women with kids”
6. Grinchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, psychologist of the Pavlodar city center for social and psychological rehabilitation and adaptation of women with children, topic “Increasing stress resistance and prevention of suicide in adolescents during the quarantine period.”
Higher College of InEU took an active part in all online seminars.
In general, 199 people took part in the work of the first seminar, of which 193 were deputy directors for educational work of schools and colleges of Pavlodar region, Apaeva Zh.K. from our college took part in this seminar. and Kashkenova A.M.
On November 3, an online seminar was held for college students in the region.
217 people took part in its work, including our students Smol Inna, Partel Alexandra, Sergienko Valeria, Tursunov Sergey, Kabysheva Aishagul, Alibekov Rasul, Baltabaev Diaz, Pfafinrot Ekaterina. During the meeting, the speakers introduced the children to the work of the Mediation Center Kazakhstan State University “Kogamdyk Kelisim” of the Internal Policy Department of the Akimat of Pavlodar region, spoke about the modern practice of resolving the conflict through mediation.
After each speech, the guys asked questions to the speaker in the chat and participated in their discussion.
At the end of the meeting, the question “Is mediation necessary?” most of the guys answered: “I need it.”
A seminar with the parent community was held on November 10. He completed the first cycle of online seminars to promote School and Student Mediation. It was attended by parents Smol L.Yu., Salimova R.S.
PS: Today, in order to live in peace, people need to learn to live by solving problems and tasks on the basis of cooperation. And we learn this together