The Republican student movement “Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan” as a republican student organization that promotes the solution of legal, socio-economic problems of student youth and actively participates in the formation of independent Kazakhstan, in 2020 is implementing the project “Development of the system of youth self-government bodies”. This project is supported by the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Center for Support of Civil Initiatives .

Today, much has been done and is being done in the field of student self-government both by the Government and by local executive bodies and public organizations.

One of such events is the II meeting of the Youth Affairs Committees and the 17th meeting of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan, which were held on November 6-7, 2020 in the city of Nur-Sultan. The leaders of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan, the winners of the online competition “Best youth self-government”, debate games, laureates of the “Kazakhstannyk altyn zhastary” award became the participants of the rallies. The purpose of the meeting is to increase the patriotism of youth, to promote the state youth policy.

A student of our college Baigal Ayim became a laureate of the “Kazakhstannyk altyn zhastary” award in the “Best volunteer” nomination and was invited to the awards ceremony as part of the Jamboree in the city of Nur-Sultan.

We are proud that our student is among the best. The event made an indelible impression on Ayim herself; she is not going to stop there and encourages all students to take an active part in the youth movement.