Week of economic disciplines

 From 15 to 19 February 2021, at the economic department of the Higher College of InEU, according to the plan of the cyclic methodological commission, a week of economic disciplines was held, during which a round table was organized with social partners, namely, employees of second-tier banks and the UAPF, two open lessons were held on the disciplines ” International Management “theme” Cultural differences of different countries and their consideration in international management “and” Budget women budgettik zhyesi “theme” Birygai budgettik synyptamans Orudyn negizgі kaqidattary “, an essay competition on the themes” Anti-crisis measures in Kazakhstan in the field of tax legislation “to help entrepreneurs and “Why I chose my profession”, as well as two business games “With the economy on you” and “An auditor is coming to us”.
 The purpose of the events of the subject week is to popularize economic specialties, involve students in the educational process, and develop the cognitive and creative activity of students.
 The events were held at a high level, fruitfully, as evidenced by the reviews of students of economic specialties.
 A round table is one of the most popular formats for holding events, its goal is to provide students with the opportunity to meet with the social partners of the college, express their point of view on the problem under discussion, and in the future form either a common opinion or clearly distinguish between different positions of the parties.
 During the round table on the topic “Improving the welfare of the people of Kazakhstan through pension withdrawals” students asked many questions. As a result of the meeting, it was decided to provide assistance by the present employees of banks and UAPF in information and explanatory work among those present, bringing information to friends and their families.
 In an open lesson, the teachers of the economic department demonstrated to their colleagues their positive and innovative experience, the implementation of the methodological idea, the use of various methodological techniques. Open lessons were also held with the aim of demonstrating techniques for enhancing the activities of students in distance learning.
 The organization and conduct of a lesson in the form of a business game helps expand the horizons of students, a more complete understanding of the studied theoretical material, the development of skills, allows you to eliminate many of the shortcomings of traditional forms of education, helps students to take the position of one or another official and directly see the result of their decision, which, naturally, contributes to a deeper understanding of the internal laws of the phenomenon under study.
 Students managed to realize their professional knowledge and skills, show creativity, show off their sense of humor and even compete in acting, while a healthy competitive spirit reigned in the classroom. Students gave positive feedback and wishes to continue to conduct lessons in the form of business games.
 In the subject week, teachers of economic disciplines and group students were able to show their organizational, intellectual and creative abilities. Conducting a subject week contributes to the effective preparation of students for future work activities.