February 9 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the great poet Mukagali Makatayev. Mukagali’s poetry reflects the entire life of the Kazakh people. His heartfelt work touches the hearts of a wide readership. An admirer of his poetry is the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev. He noted the deep symbolism that the poet’s anniversary coincides with the 30th anniversary of our Independence. “This is a significant event for all Kazakhstanis,” the President stressed.

 For the 90th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev, a student of the computers and software -110 group Nuriden Aruzhan prepared a short video (supervisor BB Uzykhanova). His poems touched the heart of the young reader. She noted one of the features of Makatayev’s poems – the poeticization of the feeling of love, light and beautiful, as well as the sincerity and lyricism, melody and simplicity of his work.