On October 30, first-year students of the Higher College of InEU met with the medical psychologist of the Pavlodar Regional Center for Mental Health A.A. Nebeltsova. The topic of the conversation is relevant for today’s youth – “The harmful effects of drugs and psychotropic substances.” The psychologist told the students about the causes and consequences of the use of alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic substances. After the presentation, the guys were given recommendations.

 During the conversation, it became clear that young men and women have an idea of ​​what effect these substances have on the human body and try to avoid companies in which they can be involved in the use of such substances.

 At the end of the performance, the children asked questions of interest.

 We hope this event will give students a reason to once again think about the harmful effects of psychoactive substances and keep many from rash steps.

 We remind you: young people who find themselves in a difficult life situation can contact the Crisis Center by calling 88000803434.