On October 22, 2020, physical education teachers of the Higher College of the Innovative Eurasian University were awarded a cup and a certificate of the Regional Educational and Practical Center for Physical Culture for the 1st place taken at the end of the 19 regional sports contest of students of the 1st league among girls.

This victory is a merit of all the college physical education teachers. They trained girls for competitions, conducted training sessions, participated and themselves organized friendly matches in various sports to improve the result.

The results of the sports contest among girls are as follows:

– 1st place in volleyball (coach Tortaev K.K.);

– 2nd place in table tennis (coach A. Panenkov);

– 2nd place in togyz-kumalak (coach Shanashev O.K.);

– 2nd place in track and field cross-country (trainer Egorov I.P.);

– 2nd place in mini-football competitions among girls (coach A. Tarzhakaeva);

– 3rd place was taken in the competition in bullet shooting (coach N.T. Magzumov)

Teams of ten regional colleges participated in the Olympics, but in the end, in total in 8 sports, the girls of our college took 1st place in the standings.

Our dear pupils! On behalf of the entire team, we congratulate you, we wish you new victories in sports achievements! Together we have reached the next sports peak! Keep it up!

Dear colleagues, college physical education teachers, I wish all of us in the new sports year successful starts, correctly set tasks and successful implementation of them, good health and family well-being!

Chairman of the CMC “Physical culture and initial military training” Tarzhakaeva A.M.