Кітаптар айналымы: Give the book a new life!

The college library invites all readers of reading to participate in the action “Kitaptar Ainalym. The turnover of books “. Everyone can contribute to the bookcrossing process – to bring an read book to our library so that it begins a fascinating journey, finding new readers. Books must be read, their purpose is to give knowledge.
Each of you can give the book a new life, and personally – the joy of new acquaintances and communication.

   There is a book shelf in the reading room – a specially highlighted place for readers to leave their books there, while others take them. Books on the book shelf,
You can take it without an appointment and leave for reading or transferring it to friends.

   If you have books that you have read for a long time, you can leave them on this shelf, and they will become participants in the action “Kitaptar Ainalym. The turnover of books “.