Online conference “Myths and Reality about Drugs”

The problem of addiction among adolescents and young people is very relevant these days. Now the use of drugs in the world is characterized by huge numbers. Around the world, there is an increase in the use of narcotic products by adolescents. Often drugs are available to teenagers on the street, in the society of peers, similar precedents were found even in schools.

In order to prevent, 3.02.2022, an online conference was held with students of 1-2 courses of VKInEU on the topic: “Myths and Reality about Drugs.” The event was organized jointly with the psychologist of the Pavlodar Regional Center for Mental Health A.A. Kulikova, who spoke at an online seminar about existing myths about drugs in her presentation. Temirgalieva I.A. – lieutenant colonel of the Office for Combating Drug Crime, voiced the statistics of offenses of this category of people, spoke about the legal aspects and criminal liability for the use and distribution of narcotic substances.

The use of drugs and other psychoactive substances by minors and young people is a real threat to the health of the population, the social sphere, the gene pool of the nation, and the general security of society and the state.

During the conference, psychologist A.A. Kulikova shared a phone that students can call at any time of the day and share their problem. 8-800-080-34-34 – Medical and Psychological Assistance Service.