Round table “Through Faith – to Peace”

On February 2, 2022, the InEU Higher College held an online round table “Through the World.” This event is timed to coincide with the World Day of Religions, which was celebrated on January 16. The main question that was considered was the role of religion in the education and education of young people. The round table was attended by a representative of the Muslim denomination – Mәshkhur Zhүsіp meshіtіnyң ұstazy Nұrislam, a representative of the episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church-priest of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church, head of the diocesan department for youth work Priest Vladimir (Bryukhanov), 1-2 year students of all departments, teachers, deputy directors for educational work of the college.

During the round table, students Bekbolatova Nargiz (D-111), Bekbolat Arsen Kil-319 spoke. They talked about what modern youth think about religion.

A special question that was discussed at the round table meeting is whether religious organizations are involved in the recent January tragic events that took place in the country, and how to prevent religious extremism from taking possession of the minds of the young?

This question was answered by Imam Nurislam. “No world religion calls for violence. Its task is self-improvement and preservation of moral values. The most important goal today is to fight back against all kinds of abuses in religion, and especially when it is drawn into extremist movements. On the contrary, it is necessary to create all the conditions for its creative and creative potential in each field of human activity. Those who, hiding behind the name of Allah, create lawlessness, will face severe punishment.

Priest Vladimir answered the question – how to recognize religious sects that have become especially active during the pandemic? “Since the beginning of the pandemic, sects have intensified their recruitment activities. People fall into sects when they experience stress, lose confidence in the future, feel fear for themselves and the health of their loved ones. Here you need to clearly understand that representatives of these movements are pursuing their own selfish goal, they are not free to offer different ways to save from coronavirus, for example. Among the signs of pseudo-Orthodox sects are disrespect for the patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, categorical non-recognition of passports of a new model and TIN, collection of donations by persons who dress like spiritual ones, which is prohibited in the official Church. Young people need to be very attentive, deal only with official religious organizations. “

From teachers, the conversation was supported by Apaev Zh.K and Malgazhdarov K.A.

The participants of the round table came to the general conclusion:

The Institute of Religion continues to play one of the important roles in the process of moral and moral education of youth, in the formation of a worldview and good-evil attitudes. If we read – hurry to do good, then we must go and do it. Not sow discord, but sow peace.

At the end of the event, students and deputy directors for educational work thanked the guests, participants of the round table and organizers – teachers of the college’s language disciplines.