From January 20 to January 22, 15 students (5 teams) of the Higher College of InEU under the guidance of Karmishina L.V. (supervisor) and teacher Akhmetova A.Zh. went to Almaty to take part in ENTREPRENEURIAL MEETUP.

This event was preceded by the Kemel Kasipker stage – this is an event in which participants were invited to act as business consultants and find possible ways to solve various business problems from Kazakhstani and international companies. The championship was held online and brought together more than 100 teams, 29 of which got the opportunity to take part in the Entrepreneurial MeetUp 2023, which is being held in Almaty for the first time.
InEU Higher College is the only partner college in the Pavlodar region of the project “Student Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”. Based on the results of Kemel Kasipker, the students of this college were selected to participate in the Entrepreneurial MeetUp 2023.
The goal of Entrepreneurial MeetUp is to transform classical regional educational institutions into entrepreneurial ones, develop an entrepreneurial community in the region, and develop entrepreneurial skills among students. Organizers of the project “Ecosystem of Student Entrepreneurship”: ERG (Eurasian Group), AlmaU School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Association of Friends of Tel Aviv University in Kazakhstan.

The program of the event is extensive, it includes Intellectual and creative team building Atrium, Training “Emotional intelligence” Atrium, Practical training Idea generation and much more. Young startups have an incredible opportunity to develop such skills as: creativity, organization, the ability to see and solve a problem, teamwork and many other skills that will help in the further development of their own product. The students were lucky to meet, learn and work with representatives of large businesses, heads of banks, with the leading actress of the Academic Russian Drama Theater named after M. Gorky. (Astana). Outside the program, Arsen Tomsky, speaker, founder of Indriver, talked to the guys.
A separate program was developed for teachers and staff, which included, in particular, practical trainings “How can a teacher become a community creator at a university?”, Tracking in the educational environment.
We hope that the unique opportunity that fell to the students and teachers of the InEU Higher College will continue and the colleges of the Pavlodar region will continue to work on transforming classical educational institutions into entrepreneurial ones, and the new ideas that students learned in the classroom will contribute to the development of the entrepreneurial community in the region .